Software startup events we don’t have yet in Hamilton

This is just a list of different types of software, tech and startup events we don’t have in Hamilton. Checking out some of these events in Toronto and Waterloo is definitely recommended! But should we have some of these events in the Hamilton community? Maybe you can take up the creation of a Hamilton-version, or create an event of your own with a similar purpose or focus?

Open, participatory workshop-events, the content of which is provided by participants.

A 15-20 minute technical talk and 15-20 minute non-technical talk, developers sharing and learning from each other, free to attend.

Founders & Funders
Organized to get tech entrepreneurs to meet each other, and meet potential angel or VC funders.

Girl Geek Dinners
Informal dinners with speakers on technical, business or women in tech issues.

Presenters have 5 minutes to share personal and professional passions with 20 slides that advance automatically every 15 seconds.

Intersect puts geeks and artists on stage to show off creative projects that merge the worlds of design, music, art, film, fashion, technology and other creative fields. Concepts, demos, samples, prototypes – but no powerpoint.

Ladies Learning Code
A women-run not-for-profit group working to empower everyone to feel comfortable learning beginner-friendly technical skills in a social, collaborative way.

Lean Coffee
Lean Coffee Meetup is a gathering of business professionals and entrepreneurs who are living and breathing the Lean Startup principles.

Lean Startup Machine
Lean Startup Machine is a metrics-driven startup competition where teams learn to identify the key risks in their business model through hands-on mentorship and our framework of tools.

Canada’s leading online conference, mesh explores how the Internet is changing how we live, work and play.

Startup Job Fair – UBC, Startup Riot, BASES
Events to connect startups with talent; often focused on student talent.

TeamCamp is a series of events aimed at forming like-minded individuals into teams for the purpose of turning smart ideas into startups.

TechTalksTO is an ongoing boutique speaker series for developers in the Toronto area.

UserExperience Camp
Focus is on user experience – online and offline, no set agenda until everyone gathers, attendees are required to participate to some degree: either by leading a discussion, showing a demo, or by creating another type of collaborative session.

Kevin Browne

Editor of Software Hamilton.