A social media metronome…

Originally posted on CanuckSEO.com


fridayIt’s a fabulous Friday once again, and there have been some real “timely” infographics that have recently sprung up and I thought that I’d bring some of same up to our readers.

First, the word metronome – it’s a word that means a device that produces regular, metrical ticks and in this case…what I mean by same, is that when it comes to social media, that time is important to try to understand just how “quick” the social media world is growing.

jess3First up today, is a great all-encompassing infographic done by the folks over at jess3.com, via their blog and this one is a look at the overall whole annual growth…and it’s a bit daunting too. It’s the big influx of mobile apps to the social world, via apps that exist for Facebook’s Poke or SnapChat that is a real eye opener for me as I had no idea that this area was so quickly becoming a major segment. The infographic goes on to show all the major players and some real new ones too that can give you a true sense of the real rising stars like Pinterest and Google+. This surely needs to be clicked, eh….so that you can ramp up your knowledge on same! Kudos to the Jess3 folks then!

60secsNext up today, is a real look at just what happens in a minute…a 60 second look at social media…tick tock tick tock…and this one comes from socialjumpstart.com via Infographr…and it’s a great look at those 60 seconds, eh!

One thing that I found odd, was that LinkedIn has only 120 new members every 60 seconds….or 2 per second. Surely that can’t be correct, I thought….as they have surpassed even my own expectations on growth…but maybe I’m incorrect here…what do you think on this…is it your opinion too? But in any event again Kudos to the socialjumpstart folks for this one!

workflow.Lastly today is the great infographic I found over at intersectionconsulting.com and it’s located here. This is also an interesting infographic, in that what this one does is to try to estimate the time we all spend on social media.

Here’s how they put the premise behind it –

“The general consensus is that companies need to dedicate resources to social media (in the form of time and labor) in order to be successful. I would agree with this statement. But the question is, how much time exactly? Here is where things can get a little sketchy. For many organizations, social media hasn’t become part of the operation yet. As a result, a lot of work is still being done off the corner of people’s desk…or by interns.

This infographic is my take on the time investment required to develop an effective social media workflow. Major caveat – of course, every organization is different and any workflow that is designed and implemented needs to work towards the achievement of business goals. That being said, I feel the time scope represented here is far more realistic than the notion that organizations can get value from the social channel by investing “15 minutes a day”…”

As you can see, there is a note that we should remember that as a firm, we’re all different…but the time scope shown is pretty interesting and yes Kudos to the intersectionconsulting folks for this great one too!

Which brings us to the question…what do you think? How does time play a function within your own firm when it comes to social media….