Resolution solution



I figure this is timely given this is when New Years resolutions are happening.

The tech industry isn’t known for it’s physical fitness, and neither am I. I’m not a “gym guy”. I’ve always found it too hard to make it a regular habit.

You know why? Because as much as you might feel great after going to the gym, before you go to the gym it’s a total pain in the ass to get off your couch. You’re tired, you worked all day… it’s too hard.

I finally came up with one life hack for going to the gym that seems to be working: serialized television.

Load a couple seasons worth of a great serialized TV show you’ve never seen before onto your iPad/Tablet – think stuff like Sopranos, Breaking Bad, etc. Then watch that while you’re on the elliptical, treadmill, etc. But don’t watch it at home – you can only watch it if you go to the gym.

Podcasts and music can get you through weight training type exercises, but the addictiveness of great tv soap opera elements will ensure you go to the gym at all. I’ve never been able to gamify my going to the gym before now, but I’m finding this works.

The self-control required not to watch a serialized TV show at home isn’t too bad, and the reward of watching another episode can motivate you to get off your couch.


Kevin Browne

Editor of Software Hamilton.