FREE Bridging to Information and Communications Technology program for Internationally-Trained Professionals

The ICT Council predicts skills shortages for 2011-2016 due to retirements and new skills are required to perform increasingly sophisticated tasks. Internationally educated professionals (IEPs) play a vital role in Canada’s economy, since Canada has to maintain and, ideally, grow enrolment in ICT-related post-secondary programs beyond current levels to fill the full projected skills and labour downfall.

The YWCA Hamilton, in partnership with Mohawk College offer FREE Bridging to Information & Communications Technology program for internationally-educated profesisonals in ICT sectors.  This program is designed to prepare IEPs for employment in Canada’s Information and Communications Technology (ICT) sector. Participants must meet eligibility criteria, which include specific language and communication aptitudes; must have attained recognized formal educational qualifications in ICT sector, and have previous professional experience prior to coming to Canada.

 The program offers customized free credit courses to participants through Mohawk College to address technical skills, online training courses from CAPE and ICTC, and extensive job readiness workshops through the YWCA Hamilton.  Just as importantly, these foreign-trained professionals will be networked within their sectors and will participate in workplace opportunities according to their interests and specialization.

If you are internationally educated ICT professional, are legally entitled to work in Canada and have a Canadian Language Benchmark Assessment overall score of 7-8 or higher, this program is for you. For more information, please contact Jupiter Deveau at T: 905.522.9922 ext 142; E: