IBM talk on advancing patient care with HHS


IBM Canada is giving an online talk about how they are advancing patient care with Hamilton Health Sciences, check out the details and registration below!


Imagine a Hospital Without Code Blue Calls — The Hamilton Early Warning Score

When was the last time you heard a cardiac arrest or code blue call to a ward in your hospital? Is it a daily or more frequent occurrence? Did you wonder what was the outcome for the patient? Did you know that in-hospital cardiac arrests are considered a failure to rescue?

Now imagine a hospital environment where such events are so rare that you might go weeks without hearing a code blue call. This is what has been achieved with the electronic Hamilton Early Warning Score (HEWS). Hamilton Health Sciences has implemented the digital HEWS on its inpatient wards and Emergency Departments and seen significant improvement in critical care response and outcomes.

Join us on Wednesday, December 7th to learn how Hamilton Health Sciences and IBM are advancing patient care by turning data into actionable insights, dramatically improving care delivery.
