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The Great Ham Jam

February 12, 2016 - February 14, 2016

Hamilton Videogame Jam


What is the Great Ham Jam?

The Great Ham Jam is Hamilton’s premiere game jam. The idea behind this new experience is that individuals of all skills and types gather under one roof and produce content that represents a game – whether it be of a board, card, video or other variety.


How does the Great Ham Jam work?

Over the course of two days (one working session per day), participants will have the opportunity to concept and then develop a playable game.

At the end of the second working session, our participants’ creations will be put on display for peer review and judging by their fellow creators, as well as our panel of awesome, handpicked judges.

Regardless of the creation, all participants will not only receive an award from Ham Jam for their creations, but they will be in the running for prizes based on several different categories and criteria, so stay tuned for more info on that.


What makes the Great Ham Jam so special?

The Great Ham Jam is much more than a competition – it is an experience which individuals of professional, indie and grassroots backgrounds can come together under one roof and share those skills they’ve learned in a fun and collaborative environment.

Over the course of the Great Ham Jam, everyone will have the opportunity to power level their developmental abilities and skills, establish new contacts and create new friendships – all while doing what they have a passion for and ending up with something they’d be proud to put on their family fridge.


ITINERARY(Schedule is subject to change)


Friday, February 12, 2015:

5:00pm: Registration & Group formation

5:30pm: Setting up

6:00pm: Food & Guest speaker (TBA)

7:00pm: Theme reveal. Let the Ham Jam begin!


Saturday, February 13, 2015:

All day:  JAM-ON!

5pm – 7pm: Dinner


February, Sunday 14, 2015:

Morning: JAM-ON!

3:00pm: The deadline for game submissions

3:30pm: Play all the games. Celebrations

5:00pm: Pack it up and Roll out.



When is The Great Ham Jam 2016?

Feb 12 – 14 2016.


What experience do I need to participate?

The event is open to individuals of all skill levels, from novice to advanced. We do recommend that you know some basics about making games, because we cannot guarantee that anyone will be there to teach you the fundamentals of game design.


What happens if I run into a problem?

Everyone there is ready and able to help if a problem does come up. Feel free to ask the organizer or volunteers if you run into a problem and they can direct you to the right people to help you out.


Can I make any game I want?

Yup! We only have 2 rules:

  1. The game has to utilize the theme somehow, so be creative as you want within the constraints of said theme
  2. Try to be tasteful, as these games will be shown to the public – with your name attached to them (Would you want this game on your portfolio?).


Can I bring a team?

Yup! Also, if you want to be a part of a team we will be working to put teams together based on skill sets participants have brought to the table.


Can I compete on my own?

Yup! If you want to rock the Ham Jam solo, feel free to go on ahead. We do request that you inform the organizer when the teams are being put together so your name is not added to the list.


Is the Great Ham Jam a competition?

Yes and No. The games will be reviewed by your peers, our panel of judges and there will be two awards will be given out. We want you to use this event on your resume, and having a nice reward to talk about is always a good ice breaker at an interview.


Will there be prizes?

We are working on something. You will see what we have at the time of the event. Wha ha ha ha!


What does the Great Ham Jam provide?

We have the venue space, tables, chairs, Wi-Fi access, power, washrooms, security, probably some food, and a place to chill out and maybe sleep. But who sleeps at a game jam?


What do I need to bring to the event?

You need to bring everything that it takes you to build a game:

  1. Your own rig/laptop.
  2. Your favorite software
  3. Goodies to nibble on


What can’t I bring?

Really a negative attitude… and try not to bring any liquids that don’t have screw tight lids on them. We don’t want you to break anyones stuff.


Can I leave my stuff overnight?

Yes. The building has security and the Jammers have eyes.


How do I get to the event?

The HSR 6 Aberdeen stops outside the McMaster Innovation Park

More detailed directions will be posted on the website.


Is there parking?

Yes, the MIP building has giant parking lot and it is free during the weekend.


What’s the hashtag for the event?



Have questions about The Great Ham Jam?

Contact Bret Measor

Thanks for registering.


February 12, 2016
February 14, 2016


McMaster Innovation Park
175 Longwood Road South
Hamilton, Ontario L8P 0A1 Canada
+ Google Map